4楼Sue (游客)(05 Sep 2016, New Zealand)是的,离岸能申请的工签只有 working holiday 和银蕨,很快今年银蕨签证开始申请了。如果没有其他条件限制的,个人认为先过来工工作最好,离岸申请慢而且有可能也是批 WTR 工签。一来可以看看是否环境适合自己,二来可以确保自己能在这边能找到工作生活下来。对英语信心不足的,可以申请学签先读一年的课程@TA
5楼kane Liu (游客)(28 Oct 2016, China)前辈您好,我也是这个情况,本科通信工程,研究生通信与信息系统,做软件工程师快7年,看了您对学历是否相关的解释,我理解 只要能说明自已的主修课程和软件工程师这个职业有相关性就可以是吗?比如我们都学过C语言,软件设计基础(数据结构),微机原理,但也仅限与此,并没有占到主修课程里一个很大的比例。因为我了解过澳洲ACS职业评估的时候评估相关工作经验会看主修课程里计算机相关课程所占的比例,不知道NZ的CO在评估的时候,会有一个很严格的比例吗,还是只要有相关的就可以呢?
Jean (游客)07 Jul 2014 ChinaHello Jack,你的博客有很大的帮助,我非常关心为什么有些文章打不开了,是原文删除了吗?怎样可以阅读呢? 回复
xiaohongdou (游客)04 Jun 2014 China你好,我是眼科医生,想申请技术移民,看le您的博文很有启发,这个职业注册是怎么办理的啊? 回复
Kevin (游客)26 Sep 2013 New Zealand您好!关于技术移民职业清单中的会计,只是包括:221111 Accountant (General) ,不包括另外2个:221112 Management Accountant和221113 Taxation Accountant。但是前面的Tasks Include的内容应该是指UNIT GROUP 2211 ACCOUNTANTS中上述3个职位的(如下所示) 这如何理解?
Taks Include:
•assisting in formulating budgetary and accounting policies•preparing financial statements for presentation to boards of directors, management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies
•conducting financial investigations, preparing reports, undertaking audits and advising on matters such as the purchase and sale of businesses, mergers, capital financing, suspected fraud, insolvency and taxation
•examining operating costs and organisations' income and expenditure
•providing assurance about the accuracy of information contained in financial reports and their compliance with statutory requirements
•providing financial and taxation advice on business structures, plans and operations
•preparing taxation returns for individuals and organisations
•liaising with financial institutions and brokers to establish funds management arrangements
•introducing and maintaining accounting systems, and advising on the selection and application of computer-based accounting systems
•maintaining internal control systems
•may appraise cash flow and financial risk of capital investment projects 回复
感谢您的回复。 回复
如果不能换,那我在有job offer的前提下得分100以上是否能被邀请?
如果不行的话我就不惦记技术移民这事了,盼复!谢谢! 回复
If I entry NZ with a Vistor Visa, and then I get a job, is it possible to transfer my VISITOR VISA into other one with Working Permit on shore?
Thanks for your time. 回复
然后,这里 第四页最上边一段 Essential Skills Work Visa 您汉语用的是 长期技术工签,可能不是很合适吧,这个可能是 基本技能工签的意思吧. 回复
A、申请人属长期技能紧缺或即时技能紧缺下的申请人(LTSSL or ISSL)”是否要求申请人必须是NZ本地获得学历的才可以享受A类情况呢? 回复
Taks Include:
•assisting in formulating budgetary and accounting policies•preparing financial statements for presentation to boards of directors, management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies
•conducting financial investigations, preparing reports, undertaking audits and advising on matters such as the purchase and sale of businesses, mergers, capital financing, suspected fraud, insolvency and taxation
•examining operating costs and organisations' income and expenditure
•providing assurance about the accuracy of information contained in financial reports and their compliance with statutory requirements
•providing financial and taxation advice on business structures, plans and operations
•preparing taxation returns for individuals and organisations
•liaising with financial institutions and brokers to establish funds management arrangements
•introducing and maintaining accounting systems, and advising on the selection and application of computer-based accounting systems
•maintaining internal control systems
•may appraise cash flow and financial risk of capital investment projects 回复
主要是有一个我在新西兰毕业后想从事的工作在这个清单中,但中间那栏的requirement要求三年相关工作经验,过去18个月内不少于12个月工作经验,达不到这些工作经验要求会影响到job offer那50分吗? 回复
下面的英语费用不用管哇。谢谢。 回复
我想好好学学外语,攒攒经验,35岁前申请EOI,我简单去官网检测了以下,评分是105,您觉得我这个希望大么?谢谢 回复