M17 Feb 2015 China您好,我想咨询一下澳大利亚技术移民年龄25-32,这个年龄如何界定,是不超过33岁生日就可以吗?比如说假设我在32岁零11个月时获得ITA,届时还没有过33岁生日,我还可以算是30分吗?还是说我一过32岁生日就算作33岁了?谢谢 回复
wang09 Jan 2014 China请问是提交EOI是提供出生公证书 还是出生证明公证书呢? 今天去公证书办理说这两个是不同的。看英文就是Birth certifacate.不知道指的是哪个
2楼KL4(10 Jan 2014, New Zealand)看英文就是Birth certifacate
- There is no dedicated form. Any official documents that can prove your birth are acceptable.@TA
sea19 Dec 2013 HongkongJack你好,在你的博客中学到了好多东西,非常感谢。看之前的回帖说如果收到了ITA,则不会因年龄变动而拒签,但是我最近收到的ITA tips中有这样一段话:
Although, you have been invited to apply for residence and have been given four months in which to lodge your application, it is your responsibility to take into account how your points will be affected if your next birthday arises prior to the lodgement of your application.
If a birthday arises and causes you to move up to the next age bracket this will adversely affect your points entitlement and may result in your points total falling below the selection criteria under which you were selected which would result in your application being unable to be approved.
Although, you have been invited to apply for residence and have been given four months in which to lodge your application, it is your responsibility to take into account how your points will be affected if your next birthday arises prior to the lodgement of your application.
If a birthday arises and causes you to move up to the next age bracket this will adversely affect your points entitlement and may result in your points total falling below the selection criteria under which you were selected which would result in your application being unable to be approved.
想问一下这个是不是他们最近出的新政策,一定要保证lodgement时年龄不超限,而不是以前的收到ITA的时候?另外lodgement指的是申请材料寄出时间,还是分配了co的时间?先谢谢你了~~ 回复
您的文章阐述精确而清晰,我有个问题,如果我在填写EOI的时候分数刚好是140分被选上,但是到了我提交所有材料的时候,年龄分少了5分,不到140分了,这样的话会不会被签证申请官拒签! 回复