cabonzheng16 May 2019 China我就是做无线电广播设备维护的,如果你对无线电感兴趣,可以交流。 另外,我的专业是材料成型及控制工程,就是机械设计的,如何加强相关性 回复
carsonL431 Oct 2017 ChinaHi Jack, 我收到的拒绝信如下,我真的只能得30分吗?
Expression of Interest number: 1913616
Client number: 64789782
31 October 2017
Chunsheng Li
Dear Chunsheng Li,
We are writing to advise you that you will not be invited to apply for residence in New Zealand at this time.
Your Expression of Interest (EOI) was selected from the Pool on 20 September 2017 with a total claim of 160 points.
Once selected from the Pool, every EOI is taken through a credibility check process to ascertain whether points claimed on the EOI can be awarded in accordance with Skilled Migrant instructions.
The following table summarises the points you have claimed and the points we have awarded following the credibility check:
Area Points Claimed Points Awarded
Age 30 30
Recognised Qualification 70 0
Skilled Work Experience 50 0
Skilled Work Experience in an area of absolute skill shortage 15 0
Total Points 165 30
While checking the details you provided in your EOI, we determined that the following points were claimed in error:
*****cognised Qualification *****
In your Expression of Interest, you have claimed 70 points for your qualification as following:
Master degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2005 Your Master’s degree was included in our list of qualifications exempt from assessment (LQEA) as Level 9, however, to get awarded points for master’s degree, you would require to provide an evidence of a bachelor degree at Level 7 is required.
We acknowledge that you have provided the information for Diploma in Higher Education from Changchun Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (now part of Jilin University), however, based on the information provided, you do not possess Bachelor’s degree. Hence, we are unable to award you any points.
Please refer Immigration Instruction SM8.10.
*****Skilled Work Experience *****
You have claimed 50 points for your work experiences gained from the China.
SM7.15 states that work experience must be carried out in a comparable labour market unless the applicant has current skilled employment or skilled employment in an area of absolute skills shortage or undertaken in comparable labour market.
The work experience is neither undertaken in a comparable labour market to New Zealand’s labour market to be recognised nor being in a multinational company domiciled in a country of the comparable labour market. You have not claimed points for a current skilled employment or an offer of employment in New Zealand, and your work experience does not meet requirements for work experience in an area of absolute skill shortage. Given the above reasons, we have not awarded points for your work experiences gained from the China as per SM7.15.
Please refer Immigration Instruction SM7.15.
*****Skilled Work Experience in an area of absolute skill shortage *****
You have claimed 15 points for having more than 6 years of work experience in area of absolute skill shortage.
Immigration instructions SM7.30 requires that you be suitably qualified by training and/or experience to undertake the work, including any specific requirements set out in column 3 of the long term skill shortage list. Your claimed work experience does not appear to meet the qualification requirements for your claimed occupation of Developer Programmer. The required qualifications are specified in column 3 of the long term skill shortage list contained in appendix 4 of the operational manual. As you do not possess a recognised qualification comparable to that specified you are not eligible for points for work experience in an area of absolute skill shortage for your work experience as a Developer Programmer.
*****Conclusion *****
We have awarded a total of 30 points for your EOI based on the above assessment. Unfortunately it does not meet any of the applicable selection criteria and the total points are below 100. As a result, your EOI has been declined.
2楼KevinLi(08 Nov 2017, New Zealand)我去仔细看了Immigration Instruction SM8.10.其中没有说到有了Level 9,还要提供Level 7的这个概念啊。如果这样的话,那不是要再去认证一次level 7?也就是说如果一个认识专科去考的研究生,那就不算LEVEL 9?@TA
3楼carsonL4(09 Nov 2017, China)谢谢Kevin,我发邮件问了移民局,他给我个截图,上面说了:如果申请level 9的加分,学士学位是必要的。
截图上的链接是 http://inzkit/publish/opsmanual/#49761.htm , 但我打不开。
4楼lianlian88(09 Nov 2017, New Zealand)中国工作经验只有两种情况下才能被认可:
1. 你现在已经在新西兰技能工作了,或者持有一份技能工作的邀请
2.你的工作经验是在长期紧缺范围内,移民局认可是否长期紧缺是需要有特殊要求的,而不是说你认为自己工作符合就可以了的,就是你刚才上面那个信里面column 3的要求,一般都是要有规定的学历或者注册资格(如医师资格认证之类的)才能被移民局认为是符合紧缺职位经验。@TA
5楼KevinLi(10 Nov 2017, New Zealand)@carson: 我想问下你这个case是哪个移民局分部审的?因为我最近在做硕士的NZQA认证,如果这样的话,我还要把学士也去NZQA认证了。。。。@TA
6楼carsonL4(11 Nov 2017, China)@lianlian88: 终于明白了,谢谢@TA
7楼carsonL4(11 Nov 2017, China)@KevinLi: 我也不知道,收到的邮件签名如下,你看看有用没
Shruti Patel
Visa Services |Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE)| Ph : +6499282173| Fax: +64 9 969 3498
Postal Address: PO Box 76 895 | Manukau City | Auckland 2241| New Zealand
Courier Address: c/- DX Mail 20 Fairfax Avenue Penrose| Auckland 1061 | New Zealand | EP71514
Feedback - Please email any feedback you may have to -
8楼KevinLi(12 Nov 2017, New Zealand)@carson: 你是在中国申请的?看地址是被分到了奥克兰manukau审理。@TA
9楼carsonL4(13 Nov 2017, China)@KevinLi: 我是在中国申请的@TA
10楼carsonL4(13 Nov 2017, China)@carson: 各个移民局的标准会不一样吗@TA
11楼KevinLi(15 Nov 2017, New Zealand)@carson: 标准是一样的,但是总觉得移民局中国分部总是找很多麻烦@TA
In 2017, the average income for software developers was $63,100. Incomes vary widely – depending on their responsibilities, experience, the type of programming work they do, and geographic location.
Estimated Average Income: $63,100
以上数据来源于MBIE Occupation Outlook 2017,是官方的权威数据,是新西兰移民局在审案时用来判断申请人的收入处在一个什么样水平的。
另外,我的专业是材料成型及控制工程,就是机械设计的,如何加强相关性 回复
Expression of Interest number: 1913616
Client number: 64789782
31 October 2017
Chunsheng Li
Dear Chunsheng Li,
We are writing to advise you that you will not be invited to apply for residence in New Zealand at this time.
Your Expression of Interest (EOI) was selected from the Pool on 20 September 2017 with a total claim of 160 points.
Once selected from the Pool, every EOI is taken through a credibility check process to ascertain whether points claimed on the EOI can be awarded in accordance with Skilled Migrant instructions.
The following table summarises the points you have claimed and the points we have awarded following the credibility check:
Area Points Claimed Points Awarded
Age 30 30
Recognised Qualification 70 0
Skilled Work Experience 50 0
Skilled Work Experience in an area of absolute skill shortage 15 0
Total Points 165 30
While checking the details you provided in your EOI, we determined that the following points were claimed in error:
*****cognised Qualification *****
In your Expression of Interest, you have claimed 70 points for your qualification as following:
Master degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2005 Your Master’s degree was included in our list of qualifications exempt from assessment (LQEA) as Level 9, however, to get awarded points for master’s degree, you would require to provide an evidence of a bachelor degree at Level 7 is required.
We acknowledge that you have provided the information for Diploma in Higher Education from Changchun Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (now part of Jilin University), however, based on the information provided, you do not possess Bachelor’s degree. Hence, we are unable to award you any points.
Please refer Immigration Instruction SM8.10.
*****Skilled Work Experience *****
You have claimed 50 points for your work experiences gained from the China.
SM7.15 states that work experience must be carried out in a comparable labour market unless the applicant has current skilled employment or skilled employment in an area of absolute skills shortage or undertaken in comparable labour market.
The work experience is neither undertaken in a comparable labour market to New Zealand’s labour market to be recognised nor being in a multinational company domiciled in a country of the comparable labour market. You have not claimed points for a current skilled employment or an offer of employment in New Zealand, and your work experience does not meet requirements for work experience in an area of absolute skill shortage. Given the above reasons, we have not awarded points for your work experiences gained from the China as per SM7.15.
Please refer Immigration Instruction SM7.15.
*****Skilled Work Experience in an area of absolute skill shortage *****
You have claimed 15 points for having more than 6 years of work experience in area of absolute skill shortage.
Immigration instructions SM7.30 requires that you be suitably qualified by training and/or experience to undertake the work, including any specific requirements set out in column 3 of the long term skill shortage list. Your claimed work experience does not appear to meet the qualification requirements for your claimed occupation of Developer Programmer. The required qualifications are specified in column 3 of the long term skill shortage list contained in appendix 4 of the operational manual. As you do not possess a recognised qualification comparable to that specified you are not eligible for points for work experience in an area of absolute skill shortage for your work experience as a Developer Programmer.
*****Conclusion *****
We have awarded a total of 30 points for your EOI based on the above assessment. Unfortunately it does not meet any of the applicable selection criteria and the total points are below 100. As a result, your EOI has been declined. 回复
我的工作几乎做到了全部的retail manager142111里的描述, 除了里面的部分采购任务。 同时我还做到了很多的marketing specialist 225113里的大多数工作。时间分配,可能几乎相当。各一半。 这两个title的前两位数都不同。这样的话,我可以claim 2个title来申请pr吗? PS: 我目前工签拿的是retail manager的title。
感谢Jack 回复
但是我的工作内容可以跟申请pr的title match。这种情况下申请pr有希望吗?还是需要换title再工作两年累计经验?
希望您能帮我解惑一下。谢谢 回复
如果能在澳洲就先拿到紐西蘭當地job offer基本上就有160了,但這是天大難題呀~目前無法到160的話大概也就無法有簽證入境找工作了...
謝謝jack大大 回复
看网上说新西兰工党要把原来每年7万的技术移民配额缩减至2-3万,政策正在制定中,是这样的吗。如果真是这样,我就要彻底放弃了。 回复
我有爬過舊帖可是找不到答案 回复
您能推荐给我几个招聘中介吗(不是seek这样的网站)?我现在在美国读计算机本科,打算去新西兰读研。谢谢! 回复
如果有时间麻烦帮忙解答一下呀,感激不尽! 回复
我之前提交了NZQA认证,但是认证结果还没有出来,可以先提交EOI吗?因为不想错过这次EOI,可以在EOI的NZQA选项里面,自己先按照参考选一个level吗? 回复
Rich 回复
另外Carpenter也是可以移民的吗. 回复