Abbb 1 (游客)17 Nov 2016 New Zealand您好,想请问一下,雇主规定如果离职未在两周前可以扣工资以及holiday pay,但目前我是WHV,还在公司的试用期90天呢?这样是符合规定的吗? 回复
ken (游客)18 Sep 2016 New Zealand你好,我是新移民持新西兰绿卡,工作5周,本人一直要求打税.第五周才帮我打税.前四周为10元一个小时.我是在二手车销售店铺工作,店铺经常要移动车辆调整车辆位置,在第五周工作期间在工作场所驾驶公司车辆完成公司安排的后车工作的期间不慎发生意外将公司的车辆后到公司的护栏上发生刮碰.我多次强调公司报公司保险,老板多次不同意报保险.要求我赔付3000元作为维修费用他说他自己拿出去维修,每周在工资部分扣除.直到扣满为止.老板并强调责任我是要全负,他们没有责任.请问老板这样做法在新西兰合理吗我有什么途径维权.非常急.老板马上就要扣我工资了.刚刚过来新西兰五周什么都不懂,我不想丢掉工作所以继续还在上班.请尽快回复谢谢.
Employees are entitled to rest and meal breaks which:
--give them a reasonable chance during their work period to rest, refresh and take care of personal matters, and
--are appropriate for the length of time they have worked for the employer.
However there are no specific rules for how long, or when, rest and meal breaks should be. Employers and employees should bargain in good faith over the timing and length of breaks.
Common practice is that rest breaks are 10–15 minutes long and meal breaks at least 30 minutes long, but these times vary across industries and occupations. If an employee is unsure what general practice in their industry is, he or she can check with their industry association or union.
Employers should pay for rest breaks but are not required to pay for meal breaks.
An employee and employer can agree to compensation instead of breaks. However employers must compensate employees if no break is given where a break would be appropriate.
There are no set rules as to what appropriate compensation is but where provided it must be reasonable. Compensation is reasonable if of similar value to the break.
Employers must provide appropriate breaks and facilities for employees with babies who wish to breastfeed or express breast milk, where this is reasonable and practicable. These are unpaid breaks unless the employer agrees otherwise.
請問新西蘭有每周最低工時的相關法律嗎? 回复
我想问下在新西兰汽修算不算绝对紧缺职业啊 那个柴油机不知道是不是汽修 呵呵 还有就是汽修申请工签的话是不是必须要有新西兰当地的4级证书才行啊 国内或日本的行不行呢 谢谢 回复
非常感谢 回复