3楼Tony 周 (游客)(29 Oct 2014, China)前辈,也刚收到ITA,请问你说的没有要求NZQA,不知道你的checklist上最后一页有没有一个Additional Compulsory Requirements,说是要跟申请一起寄交。上面怎么写了即使你的学校在免认证名单上 you can either obtain an IQA from NZQA or you can obtain a supporting letter from IPENZ,这是什么意思呢?
This sheet must be included with your application form
If your qualification is not on the LQEA then you will need to obtain an IQA from NZQA which states that your qualification is specifically recognised by NZQA as being comparable to one of the qualifications listed above. If NZQA is unable to complete a full assessment of your application they will advise you of this fact and you will need to obtain a supporting letter from IPENZ.
If your qualification is on the LQEA then you can either obtain an IQA from NZQA which states that your qualification is specifically recognised by NZQA as being comparable to one of the qualifications listed above or you can obtain a supporting letter from IPENZ. Please note the fact that your qualification is listed on the LQEA does not in itself allow you to meet the LTSSL requirements for an Engineer.@TA
谢谢您的分享,祝您在新西兰的事业顺利! 回复
前辈您好,看了您的技术移民之路的文章,很有帮助,跟您的情况大概一样,现在有IPENZ的问题想跟您交流下,可否留下个联系方式?不方便的话或者您跟我联系下,QQ343070833,万分感谢。 回复
中国加入《华盛顿协议》成该协议组织第21个成员 - 2013年08月21日
看这个新闻,2013年8月后,已经是 华盛顿协约国了呀。还需要IPENZ职业评估吗?
谢谢! 回复
2.经NZQA认证后被认为学位等同于新西兰的工程学学士学位(NZQF Level 7)或工程荣誉学士学位(NZQF Level 8),或;
3.拥有一个学士(level 7)或更高的学历且已取得新西兰专业工程师协会(IPENZ)出具的证明信证明此学位符合'特许专业工程师'注册资格要求,或;
楼主如果学历认证是第2点的结论的话,就不用去IPENZ证明了吧? 回复