4楼aldalee (游客)(11 May 2013, China)不是不行,LTSSL only requir Ma or Dr and 12 months work expercience, not about major.but, since your major, it is diffcult to get a offer.if you get one, you win.then, do not waste time in here,go to seek.co.nz use the key word University Lecturer, find your offer, you can also seek in uni or col 's website.maybe youcan get one
like this
Discover our
Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Creative Prose
position for yourself
Faculty of Arts
Department of English
Vacancy Number: 15578
Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Creative Prose, half-time permanent position in the Department of English starting February 2014 or as soon as practicable thereafter.
Teaching duties may include Stage 2 Introduction to Creative Writing, Stage 3 Writing Creative Prose, Stage 2 /3 Writing Selves, and the Masters of Creative Writing (MCW), including programme co-ordination in the latter, as required. A PhD or Masters qualification in Creative Writing or English is desirable. Candidates should have a strong publishing record in creative prose and evidence of continuing productivity.
Desirable qualifications also include creative and teaching interest in the following areas: Pacific/Australasian literary traditions, international literatures, critical practice, digital humanities, and writing studies. Ability to undertake research supervision, including in creative practice, also desirable. Level of appointment commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Applications close 17 May 2013.
For further information go to www.auckland.ac.nz/opportunities
The University has an equity policy and welcomes applications from all qualified persons.
The University is committed to meeting its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi and achieving equity outcomes for staff and students.@TA
5楼安娜 (游客)(11 May 2013, China)谢谢您详细解答,不过我看这条路基本行不通。倒是我老公职业也是紧缺,医学影像的,可以申请radiation technologist 但英语6.5比较挑战。好在没有限制单科。但也要licence是不是?没有offer问题不会太大吧?如果他语言过关打分比我还高,因为我也可以帮他加分。 要再好好研究研究去@TA
本人也是IT从业者 回复
我的本科NZQA认证为LEVEL 7, 硕士(中美合作办学,美国学位)认证成了LEVEL 9(10分); 再算上爱人的学历加分 就160分了;我可以不CLAIM 硕士的10分吗?这样我就可以150分,是不是EOI时好一些?谢谢.... 回复
我想请问一下,填写EOI的时候,一定要把自己和配偶的兄弟姐妹的信息全写上吗?如果不填,会有什么后果? 回复
我是机械工程专业的本科毕业生,丈夫在新西兰工作,硕士毕业, 已经工作半年,有两年的工作签证。 我想要申请新西兰PR, 需要使用配偶加分。 能不能加40分。我先生不申请PR, 这个流程是否也可以。 回复
我是复旦医学院的影像硕士。在国内三甲相关工作经验6年。请问,我想技术移民新西兰。看到那个紧缺单子上的影像技术员要求是新西兰注册,是不是需要去新西兰读书和考注册证?国内的这个硕士学历承认吗?我想走这个技术员移民的话,大概程序是怎么样的?成功的可能性大吗?谢谢您 回复
谢谢Jack的解惑! 回复
但是WHV听说并不好找工作(因为每份工作只能三个月),而且即使找到了工作也要雇主证明除了你没有他人能胜任此工作才行,对吗? 回复