看了Jack的文章,里面好像说道工作满1年后可以申请PR。顺便问下,请问你的interview是在国内做的还是去新西兰face to face的?我也想在国内先拿到个offer在申请,但看了很多,都需要面对面的面试呀!@TA
3楼K (游客)(13 May 2013, China)满足skilled employment的要求可以直接申请,不满足的话,如果你的职位在LTSSL中,或者你的雇主是accredited employer,可先申请work to resident签证(不同于技术移民下的WTR,那个现在已经被移除出WTR的范畴,改名为SMC JSV了),工作满两年之后转PR。
yqs (游客)06 Mar 2012 China职位空缺指数monthly report页面右侧,有个Detailed Jobs Online data的链接,里面是各个职业的详细变化数据。我发现这个页面开头有这么一段话:
Note: Rows in grey are changes that are considered statistically significant (this depends on the mean number of ads and the relative change). The reason why some occupations have large changes, but are not significant is because they are based on a small number of vacancies.
w (游客)03 Mar 2012 China"紧缺职位,通过观察劳工部的报告,很容易就发现哪些紧缺职位的职缺指数已经出现了持续的负增长,我提前半年就能告诉一些朋友,会计可能要被删除了,幼教可能要被删除了.." 我想请问jack,表中食品类的有44%的负增长,比幼教-35%还高,那是不是也有趋势可能要被删除啊……
多谢! 回复
Note: Rows in grey are changes that are considered statistically significant (this depends on the mean number of ads and the relative change). The reason why some occupations have large changes, but are not significant is because they are based on a small number of vacancies.
后半句我知道,大概意思是有的职位统计样本太小,所以导致了数据有较大的变化。但前半句我看不懂,能不能麻烦jack兄解释一下? 回复
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