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能否帮助准确理解Documents required for an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) 中部分内容?

diegeL6   19 Jun 2019  China
 浏览 2312  回答 1
diegeL6题主 19 Jun 2019 China
Transcript/academic record/mark sheet:

If you are applying under a skill shortage list, it is helpful to submit

a detailed syllabus (in addition to the transcript) that explains the

coursework from your programme of study. If you do not provide thiswith

yourapplication,andtheinformation isrequired,yourEvaluatormayneed

to request this from you or from a third party during the evaluation


In caseswhere you cannot provide a transcript (e.g., your awarding body

did not offer them at the time), you must supply a syllabusfrom the time

of your study for your qualification to be assessed for these purposes.

Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience:

QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based

certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA

maynotbetheappropriatebodytoassessyour skillset,abilitiesand/or

competency in a specific area of trade.

Evidence of underpinning qualifications:

If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level

than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications thatunderpin it,we

need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that

higher-levelprogramme.Forexample, ifyouwishtohaveamaster'sdegree

evaluated,butnot your bachelor's degree,weneed information about the

bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that

qualification certificate as part of your online application.

以上内容在评估时需要用到,本人不能准确理解,希望得到 Jack 帮助   :)
Jack LiuL9 20 Jun 2019 New Zealand



其中第二点是说明基于学徒和工作经验取得的证书评估。关于这方面先要了解两点基本情况:第一点是中国是没有新西兰认可的那种学徒制度的,除澳新以外,印象中只有英国和南非有学徒制度(南非曾被英国殖民),这两个国家的学徒教育并取得证书的(Trade Qualifications),可以做IQA评估。(2012年NZQA改革之前,中国的职业资格等级证书,比如厨师/木工/汽车钣金..等是可以做IQA认证的,因为这样能获得40分的学历分,但现在如果没有配搭的学历教育是不被认可的, 比如至少是要有中专,大专,本科等校园教育经历,现在仅通过学徒/培训而直接考取的职业证书是不够的);其次第二点,IQA主要是做学术评估,具体说仍然是校园教育经历的评估,工作经验通常不被做为IQA评估的依据,IQA并不在意申请人的工作经验情况,IQA评估时工作经验无需提供(在某些情况下提供可能会有帮助,但实际效果微乎其微)。



diegeL6题主 (20 Jun 2019, China)


LongTerm Skill Shortage List
Long Term Skill Shortage List Requirements Qualifications must be comparable to the standard of the New Zealand qualification listed. Unless otherwise stated all qualifications listed are New Zealand qualifications(see Note 1 at the endof this list).

Electrical Engineer (233311)
One of the following:
-A Washington Accord accredited (initial) engineering degree (listed -see Note 3)
-A Bachelor of Engineeringwith Honours (NZQF Level 8)
-A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand
-NZ registration as a Chartered Professional Engineer by Engineering New Zealand.

Electrical Engineering Technician (312312)
One of the following:
-Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 8)
-Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 7)
-A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Electrical Engineering (listed -see Note 3)
-A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree andany further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand
-NZ registration in the field of Electrical Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or as an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience

Note 1:Qualifications listed (unless an exception is stated) are New Zealand awarded qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Overseas qualifications must be comparable to the standard of the New Zealand qualification listed. Unless an overseas qualification is listed on the Immigration New Zealand List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment (Appendix 3)an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority stating the comparable NZQF qualification is required.

Note 3:Where a Washington Accord accredited undergraduate engineering degree is a requirement, the engineering degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country. To determine if an engineering degree awarded is Washington Accord accredited, please refer to the links from the International Engineering Alliance on their website:

diegeL6题主 (21 Jun 2019, China)


Jack LiuL9 (23 Jun 2019, New Zealand)

其中312312(笔误更正233311Electrical Engineer)必须先确认学历是NZQF Level 7(本科),并且需要做Engineering New Zealand评估(IPENZ),对于312312(笔误更正233311Electrical Engineer)来说仅有IQA认证是不够的;而312312Electrical Engineering Technician可以只通过IQA认证的方式来匹配专业以符合LTSSL的要求。不同职位的LTSSL具体要求有些差异,虽然INZ给出的认可方式通常有3-4种,但基本对于中国申请人来说,大部分职位除了IQA就只有做专业机构认证(比如工程类是TIPENZ,IT类是ITP认证,电力是EWRB电工局,还有医学类,教育类等等...)。(有关WA协议,中国是在2016年才成为WA华盛顿协议的正式会员,这意味着2016年之前整个中国大陆高校颁发的工程学位,在国际上是不能被直接认可的。另外,虽然LQEA清单上的大学可以免评估,但在实践中很多LTSSL申请人仍然会被要求做IQA认证)


