我想咨询一下技术移民学历加分的事情 我现在在新西兰有2个学历...
我现在在新西兰有2个学历,一个Master of professional accountancy and finance, 另一个是幼教的graduate diploma of ECE teaching.
我准备找幼教的工作然后递技术移民申请,看您之前的回复,似乎算学历加分的时候,是和工作没关系的,可以去最高的学历加分。我想问下我的情况,在EOI 算分的时候,我可以用会计的硕士学历加学历的分吗?谢谢!
KevinLi (18 Nov 2017, New Zealand)Jack 你好
我回复在这个地方是因为我也有同样的问题。我想说具体一点,耽误你一点时间。我有2个学历,NZ national certification Level 4 cookery和NZQA认证的国内机械工程硕士 Level 9. 我现在拿的是essential skill work visa,title是cook。申请这个签证的时候我就是用level 4 证书来满足ANZSCO 职业要求的。根据现行的政策,我想用level 9来claim 70分,但是我看到很多关于这个问题的说法,让我很困惑,而且这直接决定了我们一家人是不是需要为了那额外的30分离开奥克兰。我去翻阅了移民局操作手册关于SMC的内容,其中第6和第8章提及了学历的内容。第8章中没有关于工作与学历相关的问题。第6章中找到一些比较有争议的内容想请教你:SM6.15 Relevance of qualification(s) to employment
Qualifications are relevant to employment if:
a. the major subject area of the principal applicant's recognised qualification is directly applicable to the employment; or
b. an immigration officer is satisfied that the qualification was a key factor in the employer's decision to employ the principal applicant in that position.
Note: For the purposes of this provision, 'qualifications' must meet the requirements for recognition set out in SM8 but are not required to be the same qualification(s) that qualifies for points under the Qualifications part of these instructions (see SM8).
第六章的题目是 skilled employment,我想这个内容是说如何定义skilled employment。而且NOTE中的内容表述是不是说claim分数的学历可以不相关?问的有点杂,谢谢你。