
新西兰公民入籍宣誓誓词: I [name] solemnly and sincerely affirm that I will be faithful andbear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queenof New Zealand, Her heirs and successors according to the law, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfil my duties as a New Zealand citizen.


  The objective of the Skilled Migrant Category is to provide for the grant of a resident visa to people who demonstrate that they:

  • have skills to fill identified needs and opportunities in New Zealand; and
  • are able to transfer those skills to New Zealand and link with local needs and opportunities; and
  • are able to demonstrate an ability to contribute to New Zealand both economically and socially; and
  • are able to demonstrate an ability to successfully settle in New Zealand.

  In meeting this objective the Skilled Migrant Category will maximise and accelerate the contribution of immigration to New Zealand's:

  • capacity building, sustainable growth and innovation;
  • global connectedness; and
  • thriving and inclusive communities

  through focusing on a range of source regions to achieve a balanced programme and linking global talent with local opportunities.



1. Requirements
  To apply under the Skilled Migrant Category, you must meet our requirements. You need to be aged 55 or under. You also have to meet our standards of health, character, and English language ability before you start the process.

2. The Expression of Interest
  This is the first step towards making an application. If you qualify, you can submit an Expression of Interest (EOI), in which you claim points for skills, experience, and other factors.

3. The EOI pool and the pool draw
  If you have claimed 100 points or more on your EOI, you can submit it into the Pool. Every fortnight, all EOIs over 140 points are automatically selected for an invitation to apply (ITA). After this, lower scoring EOIs with certain factors, such as skilled employment in New Zealand, are selected.
  Along with your completed and signed application form, you will need to send us the following:

  • Evidence that everyone on the application meets their English language requirements.
  • Proof that you qualify for the points you claimed on your EOI.
  • Evidence of occupational registration (if required by a New Zealand professional group).

4. Invitation to Apply
  Once your EOI is drawn from the pool, we examine it and if we find it credible, we send you an ITA. You will have to show proof of the claims made on your EOI. This means medical and police certificates, proof of English language ability, and documentation regarding your skills, experience, and other factors.
  The application form contains the information that you provided in your EOI. You will check the information and return it to us with your documentation.
  The date that you make your SMC residence application with Immigration New Zealand determines the criteria that your application will be assessed against. The criteria that was current when you submitted your EOI, or current when your EOI was selected from the pool, is not necessarily the criteria that your SMC residence application will be assessed against.

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